NameMavis Anne WALKER 
Birthabt 1938, Stockport, Cheshire, England
Death1948, Stockport, Cheshire, England
Misc. Notes
Mavis died as a result of Leukemia. She had done her scholarship exams with My Mum (Dorothy Thompson)- they were the same age and went to school together and her Grandad Walker promised her a brand new bike if she passed the exams. She had been on holiday with her Grandad Walker and when she came back she had a bruise on her side from banging herself whilst on a boat. They went to the Rose Fete on the playing field at the back of Rostrever Road and Mavis collapsed and died on the field - it was only then that they discovered she had leukemia. She failed her Scholarship so Grandad Walker gave mum the brand new bike - it was Black and Chrome and the only new bike any of the Thompson's ever had - as they were too poor because of the number of children. Nellie never really recovered from her loss - My Mum's words - "She went a bit mental" - She went to my Nana (Annie Bird) and said that it should have been one of her children that died as she had 10. So Annie said well go on - you choose which one should it have been.