NameMarchant FOWLER
Birthabt 1817, Tattershall, Lincolnshire, Uk,
Misc. Notes
1861 Census finds Marchant living with his wife and 2 daughtersand a dress maker at schedule No. 100 a private house on HighStreet Tattershall. * 1861 Census [ref RG9/ 2370 folio 13} MarchantFowler: Head: Mar: aged 47: Carrier to Market: Born Tattershall,Lincs. Elenor Fowler: Wife: Mar: aged 36: - -: Born Lincs. (Butterwirk??)Mary Fowler: Dau: aged 13: Scholar: Born Boston, Lincs. FannyFowler: Dau: aged 7: Scholar: Born Tattershall, Lincs. MaryMotley?: Visitor: Unmar: aged 14: Dress Maker: Born Billingay,Lincs. * * 1871 Census finds Marchant aged 54 living with hisdaughter and a housekeeper in No. 50 Market Place Tattershall.At present This Marchant Fowler cannot be linked directly toa family in the family tree. * 1871 Census (ref RG10/3387 folio7) Marchant Fowler: Head: Unmar: aged 54: A Carrier: Born Tattershall,Lincs. Fanny Fowler Porter: Dau: Unmar: aged 16: Dress Maker:Born Tattershall, Lincs. Sarah Simson: Serv: Unmar: aged 46:Housekeeper: Born Heardon? Lincs. *